Sankt Goar International Music Festival and Academy – Voice & Interpretation

23.- 26. June 2014
Sank Goar, Germany
Davide Damiani will be teaching with collaborative pianist Chanda VanderHart
The Sankt Goar International Music Festival and Academy‘s Art Song Summer Program is to take place in a 1892, listed (i. e. catalogued as a national monument), Gründerzeit villa on the bank of the Rhine river, a few hundred meters from the legendary Loreley mountain, in the town of Sankt Goar, Germany, as of next summer, 2014.
The program will be a boutique program offered to only nine singers and three collaborative pianists, per session, who are committed to developing and honing their skills as applied to the art song recital.
We do not wish to focus on operatic repertoire because we believe that: (a) only a professional operatic production can provide any truly meaningful experience; (b) summer operatic productions involving students of different levels of technical prowess and musical maturity are nearly impossible to execute at a high level; and (c) as a result, the demands of mounting an opera over the summer with inexperienced, young singers, prove detrimental to their vocal health and development. Art song, by contrast, is an ideal vehicle for adjusting the repertoire to the needs and the actual technical skills and level of musicianship and musicality of each individual student.
There are three sessions, each three weeks long.
Each session will have as a major area of focus the German Lied repertoire, in addition to one or two minor areas of focus:
I. French mélodie during the first session, which runs from Sunday, June 1st, through Sunday, June 22nd, 2014;
II. Italian & Spanish art song during the second session, from Sunday, June 22nd through Sunday, July 13th, 2014;
III. English & American art song during the third session, from Sunday, July 13, through Sunday, August 3rd, 2014.
Students are both able and welcome to apply to more than one session.